Going on our trip for Colorado was so good for us right after IVF ended. IVF does crazy things to your body and to your emotions. It was so nice not to be on 15 pills a day--all taken at different times--not having every other day blood draws and ultrasounds, not having daily shots, and just having a break from it all. So escaping to Colorado was a perfect solution.
This whole Colorado Trip idea entered our minds when we were the only ones to bid on a one night stay in Steamboat Springs, Colorado (a place we had never heard of) and won it for a super low price. We had never been to Colorado so we decided we would extend it from a one day vacation to an almost-week long one with a few days in Steamboat and a couple of days in Denver. It was just what we needed! We were also thrilled when we found out Vernal was on the way. We then knew we could go to the Vernal Temple on the way to be one step closer to our goal of visiting all the temples in Utah this year.
Colorado Trip

We started off in Vernal. I have never been to Vernal, and now I see why; it's not exactly the most happening place in the world. The Vernal Temple is the most simple temple we had been to but still had a beautiful spirit to it. After our session and a much needed nap, we went on a drive on the Geological Loop to see the interesting rock formations and little signs, explaining dinosaur findings.
The next morning we left for Denver. It was a fascinating drive! We ended up in Rifle, Colorado for lunch, where we felt like we had stepped into a John Wayne movie. We went to Shooter's Grill, where all the employees wore guns on their belts, and when we walked in, everyone stared at us in curiosity since we weren't town natives. And there were scriptures on the receipts. It sure was an experience!
We passed rocky, majestic mountains so different than Utah mountains but so beautiful. We also passed Vail, Colorado, which was stunningly green and gorgeous. Then we rolled into Denver and got a warm chocolate chip cookie at our arrival to our Double Tree Hotel. We then explored downtown Denver, and I officially decided it is one of the scariest places I've been to in my life (and we have been to a lot of big cities!) One time in downtown Denver was enough for us.
The good thing about downtown Denver was finding a delicious crepery. I had one of the best crepes of my life.
We then fled scary downtown and went to a beautiful, non-scary lake, Lake Washington, right outside of downtown.
My absolute favorite part of Denver are all the old, well maintained and charming homes surrounding the city. We loved driving by them and looking at them in awe. I can definitely see why people live here. Below is a "drive by" picture of one example:
The next morning we took a stop at a place my future sister-in-law recommended. It had the most amazing toffee!
We took a stop at the Botanic Gardens. They were pretty, but we felt they were a little over-rated since we'd seen much prettier elsewhere.
Here was my long awaited bucket list item: The Molly Brown House! I grew up watching The Unsinkable Molly Brown so I was so curious to see her famous house! She was much different than the movie portrays, but I loved learning about her. These type of stops are my favorite on trips.
Then it was off to the capitol. Denver's capitol is exquisite--one of the prettiest I've seen: so attentive to detail.
I mean, look at this dome!
A stop to the Federal Reserve Museum was required with my banker husband. We were so sad that even two weeks before, there were no spots to tour the Mint. Ben would have loved that! But I learned a lot about the Federal Reserve, and we saw money from the beginning of our country's founding.
We packed so much into this day, and a lot of walking was required so we had to end with Little Man's Ice Cream. It was some of the best ice cream of my life, and I've had a lot of ice cream (I'd say 50% of me is actual ice-cream.)
After this long exhausting day, we went back to the hotel to rest for an hour or two. Ben spoiled me and let me go to Barnes & Noble to use some of my birthday money. (Barnes & Noble is a type of heaven for me.)
It was fun to see my dad's books on the shelves. I love looking for his books at places throughout the country because they almost always have his in stock. I am always so proud of him and his New York Times bestseller books!
The next morning it was off to Steamboat Springs, but first we had a day trip planned to Mount Evans, North America's highest point accessible by car. I was unsure of this venture since it would take so long, and I am not a height loving person, but this was our FAVORITE part of the whole trip!
Thirty minutes into our ascent. So beautiful!
I couldn't get over how perfect everything looked.
As we got higher, we stopped at Echo Lake. My paradise of choice includes lakes and trees, so I was loving this.
Onward and upward we went to Summit Lake, which was past the point where trees grow (once you get to a certain altitude, trees no longer grow; this was new to me, but you all probably already knew that). We saw several mountain goats and sheep.
Summit Lake! It went from a hot day in the 80s to around the high 30s low 40s as we went higher.
It was right after this was taken that I had brief service to find out the gender of the newest family member: a niece!
Then it was back in the car to reach the top of Mount Evans. Before you even enter Mount Evans, they warn you of altitude sickness, and after Lake Summit I started feeling a bit light headed, but I was so enthralled with the beauty of the views I was seeing, it totally was worth it (even though parts of the drive make you feel like you're going to fall off a cliff.)
Reaching the top is the closest I have felt to being "on top of the world"
Perspective makes you see things differently. There was something almost spiritual about being up there. I loved it. But you can't stay on the top of Mount Evans forever :)
The beautiful descent.
Mount Evans will always hold a special place in my heart. We started on our next adventure to Steamboat Springs, one of my new, most favorite places in the world. We ate dinner and indulged in amazing gelato, and we found the best candy spot in the U.S. They take "hand dipped" to a whole new meaning!
My chocolate caramel nut patty!
After our indulgence, we arrived at this hotel we had been dreaming about for months since we won it at the Boy Scout auction. We were stunned by the beauty of this place called Steamboat Springs. I have never seen anywhere in the States so green in July. It was the closest green I have seen to Ireland. Activities and good food abound in Steamboat; it's America's best kept secret! It also seems like a very family-friendly place, and we hope to take our family here one day to enjoy it all!
We were so astonished at how much this place exceeded our expectations that we just couldn't wait to get started the next day.
The next morning we took a hike to Fish Creek Falls.
Take a look at this beauty!
We also did the short overlook trail. Short hikes are my kind of hikes, and Steamboat had a variety of lengths, which I loved!
After our hike, we ran into the cutest Farmer's Market with some of the best pastries I have ever seen. This cinnamon sugar pretzel--I still dream about it.
We kept hearing about the gondola and decided it was a "must!"
Here's the view from the top:
This greenness!!
We went on a mile loop hike at the top. Loved it!
On our drive in, we had passed several lakes and ponds. We decided we would drive by them and check them out. Pictures don't do these justice.
The next morning was church in Steamboat. (I love visiting other wards. They give me renewed strength, and I love seeing the diligence of these Saints who are few in numbers.) After church, we went to the free Steamboat Botanical Gardens.
It was a relaxing Sunday, including long walks, eating bread and cheese from the Farmer's Market the day before, munching on Tootsie Rolls, playing Skip-bo, and talking to family on the phone. It was the perfect uplifting way to end our trip before we headed out the next morning for home. Escaping to other places has been such a great way for us to focus on each other, leave the stresses of house life and work life behind, and to talk about the priorities we want to have in the future. I am so grateful that traveling and exploring is something we both enjoy doing and that strengthens us. Ben is my favorite travel buddy in the entire world.