Saturday, August 4, 2012


I felt like writing in fragments today. Just to list. 

There are two type of perfect weekends, in my book. The kinds where you have nothing planned, do some house things, don't get ready, read, watch movies, and feast on home-made deliciousness. Then there are the kinds where every minute is planned out with family, friends, and events. This weekend was a mix of both. A great combination, actually. far:

Maddox Dinner w/gift card. The most amazing rolls with raspberry butter; fresh corn; turkey fried steak; salad; baked potato, and a coupon for free dessert--snickers pie = heaven. All free...bliss.
Baptisms for family names at the Logan Temple with almost no one else there. Finally doing baptisms with my husband.
Starting off the morning with the Fresh Farmer's Market in Ogden and buying fresh produce, honey, seasonings, and eating a delicious, warm, and HUGE cinnamon roll while with husband and family.
Going canning with my Relief Society and buying some of our first food storage and canning it, ourselves. Loved all the neat things you could buy for so cheap and loved playing with the canning machine.
Crock pot Mexican beef for soon-to-be chimichangas. Ben helped press the fresh-from-the-market-garlic.
Reading, cleaning, prepping Sunday's lesson, making Nutella cupcakes, some movies to tie up the day. Perfection.

I am so glad weekends exist...what would we do without them?

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