Saturday, January 12, 2013

By Myself

It's a Saturday, and Ben is gone ALL day working so I have to entertain myself all day. I think this calls for curling up on the couch, finishing Wives and Daughters that I have been reading forever (an amazingly fun eight hundred page Victorian novel by Elizabeth Gaskell), watching a chick flick, doing some Pilates, and eating an avocado chicken salad sandwich. Oh, and writing a really random blog post:
  1. I have been on Pinterest for months and keep wondering what in the world DIY stood for, promising myself I would look it up. When two nights ago I couldn't fall asleep, and it occurred to me Do It Yourself--duhhh! DIY laundry soap, DIY painting....etc. etc. It all makes sense :)
  2. I bought my first pair of skinny jeans yesterday--I shocked even myself. I had thought I would never give in, but then I did. I even got a purple pair too, yikes! Lately, I have been struck with how majorly out of style I am. Even though I am not a super trendy person in the first place (I had a roommate once tell me I dress like a librarian...), this time I realized there was a big enough discrepancy in what I am wearing to what is being sold in stores that I needed to give in a little bit. Maybe I will catch up with 2013 eventually!
  3. I am working on Personal Progress to go along with my Young Women, and I am again realizing the blessings that come from doing it! The program has totally changed since I completed my own as a Young Women, and it still brings a wonderful feeling of the Spirit and well-rounded accomplishment. 
  4. I am loving the new apron Ben bought me for Christmas! I think I am a little obsessed and want to wear it everywhere. The only problem is it's so cute I don't want to get it dirty... I wanted to post a picture of it, but putting up a picture of me taking a picture of myself wear it seems a little vain so I decided against it. 
  5. I am realizing what everyone meant by North Ogden=lots of snow. We didn't really experience that last year, but now we are getting the full experience. I didn't realize snowy days could ever be so loud! I always imagined them quite, serene, and peaceful; instead I am constantly hearing snow blowers/scraping against the ice/4-wheelers.
Happy Saturday! 

1 comment:

  1. I want to see a cute picture of you in your apron even if you take it yourself.
