Ben and I had such a fun trip to Idaho to visit Kim, Steve, and Mike for the weekend! We stayed at Kim and Steve's darling place, and we are so glad we made the trip (even though I was sick and literally had no voice) because we found out this is their last semester at BYU-I! Steve got into the New England Culinary Institute, and so Kim and Steve will be moving to Vermont come late September and are going to work in CA for the summer! We are so excited for Steve's news! And we loved sampling all his creations all weekend--we were spoiled rotten with beautiful and delicious food! Steve even made us his famous chocolate souffles!

We had fun playing games, watching a movie, going bowling, and exploring Rexburg! Mike was over all Saturday night, and we talked about his exciting news that he is going to BYU Jerusalem this summer! Yipee! So many neat things siblings are doing in their life right now, and it makes me want to join in their adventures :) Rexburg was a fun weekend getaway; we love our family!
It was a lot of fun! Thanks for coming! :)