Monday, June 17, 2013

Savor Summer

I have so many fun things to blog about but instead this is what's on my mind...

You know how it goes...when you have a million trillion things to do and you don't know where to begin. That's how I have been feeling for the past few weeks, especially today. The sad thing is--many of these "to-do" items are fun things, but I feel the pressure of needing to plan them/do them all at once. I don't know how it happens, but summer hits hard every year. There are so many fun summer things on the bucket list, outside house chores, girls camp, youth conference, family reunions and more, but before you know it, it's all over.

I am trying to slow down this summer. Abandon the toilet cleaning for an outdoor picnic. Spend time with family rather than organize our mess that still persists from painting. Plan the bucket list items instead of waiting for them to happen (like when you live less than thirty minutes away from Pineview Reservoir and you have never been). You know, that kind of thing.

The dishes will wait. The piles will still be there tomorrow. And I am learning to be okay with that. One day at a time.

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