Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Lack of Blogging & a Birthday

 I haven't felt much like blogging in 2014, and frankly, I am not sure why. Hence, the lack of posts lately. But here are some guesses:
  • Life has been busier than ever. 
  • With Ben in class and with his busy homework load, we have done less out-of-the-ordinary things. And as much as people would love hearing about our occasional break of watching The Andy Griffith Show, I feel like there's less to write about in terms of the extraordinary.
  • I have had many blog posts I've almost written, but I second guess myself because they seem too personal or too boring.  
  • My old friend and roommate, Charlotte, who writes an amazing blog here, and I used to have discussions about output modes vs. input modes. Some days I feel like interacting, socializing, creating and making things, whether it be food, a blog post, singing a song--those are output days. Then, there are the days where I feel much more content staying home, reflecting and quietly reading and watching a BBC classic--those are input days. And I have been in input mode more often than not the last few months. I love both outputing and inputing for several reasons, but, for now I'm on "input." If that made any sense to you...
But now...I do have something fun to write about (for once!) Ben turned thirty this Easter Sunday! It was so fun celebrating with him and family! We keep joking on how he has entered this new decade and, before long, the next decade celebration will be 40! For this big birthday, I invited both of our families over to celebrate Easter and Ben's birthday simultaneously. It was so fun to have everyone over!

Death by Chocolate Trifle

 The setup--can I just say, I love hosting! 

For the first time ever, I "made" Ben something! I put together a tie felt blanket with Ben's mom's help. He even made a fake "tie" out of the extra material :) 

Our first pictures together with Ben as a 30 year old...

It was so wonderful to have everyone over! 

Sam and Nat have some serious parenting multi-tasking skills!

It was so fun to have Kim, Steve, and Everett out from Vermont for a few days. Everett got to meet "the cow," which I will post about later...

It was a wonderful day :)

1 comment:

  1. Did you take "the cow?"! If you did, I'm so glad it stayed in the family!
