Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Love for Furry Things

I am a little obsessed with animals and have been ever since I was little. My family had dogs growing up, and I loved playing with them. Whenever we visited Utah, I would delight in my aunt's kittens. It was one of the main highlights of coming out to Utah as a young girl. I get my love for animals from my dad's parents. They both LOVE animals of all kinds, especially cats. So you can't blame me for my animal attachment; it was totally inherited . . . I know my enthusiasm for animals may border on extreme to others, but I just can't help myself. I knew Ben was "the one" when he took me to a Kangaroo farm on our third date, and I could pet kangaroos! The past six weeks have been filled with some fun animal encounters (and yes, only I would write about this on a blog.)

Coming out of the Brigham City temple six weeks ago, I found this cute kitty just sitting on the temple grounds. It wanted to be petted and held. It was a temple miracle! I loved it! 

I have been able to dog sit for a friend (although not as much as I would like because I have been busier). Sadie, this cute little dog, is so entertaining. I love her!

I knew that our trip to the south would be a success when on the way from Atlanta to Savannah I sat by a dog! When does that happen!? And it happened to me! Granted, the dog was sitting on its owner's lap, but it still came over to me and wanted to be petted. It was basically the best plane trip ever. 

Me and the dog! Yes, it's holding my hand. 

Then our southern trip got even better when I learned that Magnolia Plantation had a petting zoo where you could pet deer! I have always thought deer are one of the most beautiful animals, and my dream to pet one came to pass. 

The deer got a little carried away when it tried to nibble on my earring... This goat and I had lots of fun!

I am sure you wanted to know my chronicles with animals in the last six weeks, but it was too ironic to pass up. I also would like to thank my husband for letting me detain him on many occasions to pet furry animals I find along the path of life :) 


  1. Next time you come to Rexburg you should check out Bear World--we went there a few months ago and there were deer, goats, and several other animals to pet. We got to pet a little tiny fawn!

  2. I love this so much! You remind me to Gizelle from Enchanted. :) Furry animals just love you and want to be your friend! And for the record, I'm totally with ya. Love animals! --Nat
