Monday, July 29, 2013

Birthday Celebration

 I can't even begin to express the craziness of the last couple months. So I won't. 

I hardly know where to start...I guess I will start at that time I turned twenty-six. I had mentally prepared myself to be away from Ben on my birthday day, knowing that Girls Camp would be on the day of, and Ben would be with family in Sun Valley without me (sniffle, sniffle). Ben knew my disappointment, and I was so happy when he suggested going to Park City for a night to celebrate. We looked at Groupon for deals and found a wonderful one at the Chalet--french themed and cozy, it was the perfect scenery for "getting away," especially for the craziness that was about to ensue. 

That night we went and had pizza (Katie classic), and Ben was kind enough to come with me to Pets Mart to see all the furry animals (seriously, one of my favorite past times. I could go to Barnes and Nobles and then Pets Mart on adoption day and live in bliss). 

We then went back to the hotel, went swimming, and came back to our room and watched movies (like the kind that your husband will watch with you only because it's in honor of your birthday, like Little Women and Father of the Bride). It was perfect. 

The next day we perused Main Street and then went to the Park City Outlets. I had never been, and now I know why I hear about them so much--amazing! 

So, usually I don't posts pictures of just myself because I feel funny about that, so I almost literally posted this picture cropped with my head cut off. Then, I realized that it would be more weird to have a headless picture of me than a solo picture of me. The point is--I found this dress and fell in love. It is my favorite color green that I can never find anywhere! This birthday purchase was the best out of all of them. 

But even more than the dress, the cute hotel, and delicious food, it was just so fun to have my husband all to myself for twenty-four hours. He works so hard. He still hasn't taken one day off (other than holidays) this year. I can't wait for in three weeks when I get to be with him for more than a few hour increments! 

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