Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Baker's Dozen: Part 2

Here are more things "baking" in my life:

7. I am finally getting over a cold. This has many wonderful meanings: I can breathe, I can sing, and I can taste my food again--wahoo!

8. I have had an immense travel itch for the last few months. I want to go somewhere, just for fun! Actually, I would even settle for Saint George right about now. I have been thinking of my study abroad England experience. Oh the wonderful memories! My top current travel urges belong to to Boston/Washington D.C./East Coast. My family did go on an Alaskan Cruise last summer, which was fun; however, I am more of a museum/sight seeing person and Alaska had some pretty nature scenes, but it was cold. Really cold. I promise I won't mind the cold if I go to one of the places mentioned above because it'll be more worth it (for me, anyways)! :)

9. Because the Ogden Temple has been closed for renovation (for almost a year now), and we live in North Ogden, we are smack in between two temples. The Logan and The Bountiful Temples. Both are so neat and so different. Lately, we have attended Logan (we hit less traffic, obviously). This is the temple my grandparents were married in and where my grandma was baptized, and it's fun to think about them as I attend. We are excited for the Brigham City Temple to be finished (http://www.ldschurchtemples.com/brighamcity/) , and that'll be closer (only about a half hour away). Then soon enough the Ogden Temple will be completed (http://www.ldschurchtemples.com/ogden/); this is only fifteen minutes away! We'll be surrounded by temples, yay!

10. I am loving work because of the flexibility to cook/clean during the day while interspersing that with work from my computer. I do miss teaching though. I miss my students, and the fun learning environment we had together (as shown above :)I really did have the best students ever!

11. HeyTell is my new favorite phone App because Ben and I can leave verbal text messages or voicemails to each other, and it's so fun to hear his little whispering messages to me throughout the day! I seriously recommend everyone to get this app because it can be the most convenient thing when you're driving etc. Ben and I are in love! I mean, we are in love with the App. . .and each other, of course! ;)

12. I am loving this book by Bruce C. Hafen right now! When I worked at Deseret Book, I had multiple people tell me that this is the best book on marriage. I am beginning to feel the same way!

13. This baker's dozen, the thirteenth, is to confess that I ate two sugar cookies while baking them for my laurels tonight for mutual. The rest is for you!

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