Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Here we are; it's 2013 (eight days into 2013), and I am just barely wrapping up my New Years Resolutions--

kind of embarrassing way to start off the new year

Usually, I would have had my list all ready to go by now, but not this year; it's been too crazy the last few weeks. I don't know what 2013 will bring; all I know is that there are so many things I want to change, improve on, and develop that I don't know where to start.

I do know that last year I had seventeen resolutions and that was too many. In years past I have focused on one a month and had twelve, but by the end of the year they fizzle out, so I am still not sure what I need to stay on track in 2013--perhaps some self-discipline?

 However, I have been reflecting on what I have learned about myself in 2012:
  • I have learned that as much as I love traveling, I don't like traveling so much that I feel like I am hardly ever home. I dislike living from a suitcase.
  • I really miss and love school and need to try to put in place some motivation to maintain and cultivate my love of learning without the formal institution of classes.
  • I love baking and cooking more than I ever thought possible. It has been fun realizing I have a new hobby!
  • I finally feel semi-confident baking with yeast. If only I had learned that sticky dough was a good thing earlier!
  • To every time there is a season--this is true.
  • I need to self-initiate cultivating my spirituality without the nets of institute classes, devotionals, and firesides that you automatically would get going to college/being single. Scripture study is always great, but sometimes those little extras would be such a boost. 
So farewell, 2012. 

Welcome, 2013!

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