Sunday, February 9, 2014

Niece and Nephews

My lack of blogging has been a result of many things, but one of the main things has been fun times with nephews and a niece :) So, yes, I am the crazy aunt who writes blog posts on her nephews and niece.

Plus, did I mention that I had one new niece and two nephews born in the span of three weeks?

To recap...

Browning Fun
We have enjoyed Josh and Kristen being in town for the past couple of months and had to say goodbye Friday night. They had planned on leaving a month ago but an eye surgery came up (and Josh can see again!), and so they had to stay another month. Sad for them but lucky for us! We will miss our Iowa family. Josh has improved so much since being out here! 

I have loved watching Ian grow the last couple months. He is the happiest, most easy going baby! 

I am going to miss my lil' Tate buddy. We had too much fun together. As you can tell...

We had never taken a picture of the Browning family with all of us since Spencer had come home and Lucy was born, so we attempted in the living room. This picture shows the chaos in getting us all times :) 

Josh and Kristen, we miss you already!

A picture of Spencer because he is just awesome! We have loved having him back the last few months! 

Lucy has the cutest faces! I love my one and only niece so much already! Sam and Natalie are amazing parents. 

Then there's us two crazies...

Connors Fun

 The first Connors' grandchild was born! I love little Chase!! My parents make cute grandparents if I do say so myself! 

I had the privilege of going to Idaho for a weekend with my sister Mary to visit Seth, Leslie, and Chase. Chase is darling and is going to be a handsome boy one day. You can just tell! We can't wait to see them in a couple of more weeks so Ben can meet Chase! 

This picture is right after driving from Utah to Idaho (excuse my ragged appearance), but here I am meeting Chase for the first time! Love him!

Last but not least, here's my newest nephew, Everett, who was born a month early on March 2nd in Vermont! If you ever want to hear an amazing labor story, let me know, and I'll tell you my sister's--it's pretty amazing! I haven't met him yet, but he sounds like he has been a sweet heart with strawberry blonde hair. I am excited to meet him in a few weeks! 

I have gone from one nephew to one niece and four nephews in four months, so family dynamics are changing fast but in an oh-so-sweet-and-fun way :) 

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